Could You Repeat That? (Business + The First Rule Of Fight Club)
What's the First Rule of Fight Club?
(I'll pause while you say it).
And why do you know the first rule of Fight Club, even if you've never even seen the movie “Fight Club”?
Here's why:
Because of the Second Rule of Fight Club.
The Second Rule is a repetition of the First Rule of Fight Club ("You do not talk about Fight Club."),
And Repetition works.
But "Fight Club” isn't the only movie I want to talk about:
I want to discuss that movie you watch over and over. Your “comfort movie.”
You know, the one you watch when you don't want to have to think. When your brain is fried at the end of the day, or you've been through something hard, or you're working on a big project and need some background noise.
(Mine alternates between “Bridget Jones' Diary” and “Master and Commander," depending on my mood. Or “Friends” if I feel like TV).
“Back to the Future” is on background-repeat for days whenever super-podcaster Pat Flynn is writing a book. Other successful authors do the same with their comfort-movies.
What's your comfort movie?
And let me ask you something else:
If so many of us are just fine with repetition, and even find comfort in repetition, why are so many solopreneurs afraid to repeat themselves in their messaging?
It's tempting to believe that you have to come up with a fresh idea or story every time you write a post, article, or newsletter.
But it's okay to repeat yourself.
You can repeat your core message, your tagline, or your “signature stories” over and over. And over. …And over again.
Repetition works.
Most people haven't encountered your message as much as you think, especially on social media. As Ramit Sethi put it, “You are but a moment in their day." Most people won't even see what you put out there unless you repeat it. A lot.
It takes people 12-20 times of seeing your message (or pitch) for it to sink in. You may be sick of it by then, but they're just starting to get it.
Repetition is comforting for your audience/clients, and easier for you. You don't have to reinvent the wheel: you can just re-purpose and re-use the same stories and concepts.
Repetition works.
This is why I repeat “Imperfect action!” and “Do it scared” over and over to my Mighty Mastermind members (and blog-readers!). It sinks in eventually.
Repetition works.
What's the core message that you can repeat more often? Share in the comments. I'd also love to hear what your “comfort movie” is. (Even if it's "Fight Club", eek ;)
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