"In business, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. Jane is always able to provide clarity & perspective, which is so valuable. She hears what I share, understands where I am and what’s going on, and then she’ll just drop a nugget of insight. (One of those nuggets recently put me on track to make thousands more this year!). Jane is empowering: she’s shown me where key decisions I'd been putting off were costing me money & energy, and challenged me to take bold action. Coaching has not only paid for itself, but is making me more income! Her perspective and clarity is invaluable."

-Tami Zak, realizeselfcounseling.com

"I was feeling burned out in my business, and other coaching programs had just handed me formulas saying “you have to do this & this,” but leaving me uninspired. Jane helped me give myself more permission to dream and to explore ideas that light me up. She helped me take imperfect action instead of staying stuck in my head. Not only am I more gentle with and accepting of myself; I feel brave again.

Working with Jane is totally worth it. She really is like a “therapist for business,” and I’ve loved working with her. I have more clarity for the future, and can't wait to make it happen."

-Laura Henderson, laurahendersoncounseling.com

This stuff works! I’m making more money, things are less stressful (and marketing is feeling less slimy). I felt taken care of, that Jane was as invested as I was. There’s been a shift; I feel more ease, trust, and confidence.”

-Christine Snyder, snyderlcsw.com

"Jane’s approach of offering practical solutions in an empathetic way really works for me. She takes the big picture dreams I have for my business and streamlines them into tangible, bite-sized steps, while keeping an open ear to my fears and hesitations. I am so excited to take this journey with her in building what I am meant to become. I couldn't do it right without her and I highly recommend her.”

-Jamie Knox, Wealthy Women Wine-ing

“Before coaching, I spent two years talking & venting to friends about my business, but still feeling stuck. With Jane, being able to talk things out then have somebody who’d turn things into solutions was amazing for me. It’s changed a lot—now I’m spending more time on things I want to spend more time on.

-Hillary Holmes, hillytreedesign.com

“Coaching was a great balance of support and challenge, and I took risks I wouldn’t have otherwise! I also appreciate that Jane was gentle and steady, rather than pushy. I was able to create a lot more space in my schedule, take care of myself, and have more time for my kids.”

-Sarah Kate Valatka, Licensed Professional Counselor, sarahkatevalatka.com

”There are so many business "formulas", "solutions", and "shoulds" out there to try to plug into, but Jane helped me identify what really works for me. Jane helped me get so much more clarity, which has been huge for me and my business. I'm getting more done, holding higher standards, attracting high-quality clients, and feeling like my business is aligned with my self and values."

-Hart Dalhauser, MyMosaicRealty.com

"My business income has increased $65k in the year we've worked together! Coaching with Jane has transformed the way I run my business and deeply impacted the way I live my life. She holds my feet to the fire in the most gentle, kind way possible, and is the best mindset coach I've ever had."

-Jenn Fredette, therapyforthinkers.com

“Jane has the ability to listen and actually HEAR what you need and can find gentle yet effective ways to help you see an actionable way forward. She has a way of extrapolating the information and getting it across to you so it makes sense and sticks!”

-Oraine Ramoo, Camhanach Counseling Services

“Jane was invaluable to me during a big transition in my business. She gave me confidence as I navigated a series of tough decisions I had been avoiding for too long. With a focus on mindset, development of value-based goals, and a month-by-month action plan, I am shocked at the progress after just six months and delighted by the financial results! I would highly recommend Jane to anyone looking to break out of a business grind.”

-Josh Wellman, Web Designer

“Some coaches only focus on the concrete steps. Jane holds space for what’s going on internally with your mindset, even as you’re pushing forward through your goals. It’s the perfect blend of the practical, the emotional, and even the spiritual.”

-Dawn Gabriel, Consultant & Retreat Leader, soulcarefortherapists.com

"Coaching helped me to break through the ‘shoulds’ and realize I could offer my services in a way that felt authentic. My confidence about selling and putting my voice and ideas out into the world increased dramatically. Almost immediately after working with Jane, I sold a 5-day mini-course to 8 people and sold a one-to-one coaching package. If you need the encouragement to jump forward and ‘do it scared’, Jane is the person to help you get there!"

-Leanna Fallis, RN, Rootbloomwellness.com

Working with Jane was an extraordinary experience. I found her to be grounded, authentic, and that she has an innate ability to provide safe space for small business owners. She was great at encouraging growth, bringing in both new ideas and ways to challenge old patterns and belief systems.”

-Dani Bryant, Body Liberation Therapist, danibryant.com

“Jane was instrumental in helping me clarify the things that I want to focus on in my business, and with whom I want to work. She inspired me to think about my work from a different angle--one that will ensure that I get more joy in my day to day tasks and bring more joy to them as well. She also helped me assess how I can be more effective and earn more money, two things any business woman wants!" 

-Caroline Green Christopholous, GoldLeafLiterary.com

“Working with Jane has been so helpful. I walked in with the "I don't even know what I don't know" mindset, and after a few sessions, had an actionable business plan outlined. Jane was instrumental in building my confidence to take big leaps and follow big dreams.”

-Lindsey Dortch Brock, TheBreakupTherapist.com

“Jane is Amazing! I was feeling burned out and wanted to figure out what changes to make in my life and business. Jane helped me to figure out what I want both personally and professionally, and to see what gifts I bring to the table. If you want to figure out what's keeping you from being your best and/or planning for the business of your dreams, then you must meet with Jane!”

-Dr. Tanisha Pitre, Clinical Psychologist

“Jane’s passion for helping entrepreneurs lights up whatever space she enters. She has the depth of knowledge and emotional texture to flex with her clients and stay with them in the trenches as they reach for the next big thing.   She over-delivers again and again. If you have the opportunity to work with her, take it!

-Kimberly Perlin, LCSW, Therapist and Media Consultant

”Jane is a master at helping you dig into the mindset issues holding you back and all the sneaky ways they show up (even ways you're not aware of). She's a one-of-kind listener and her creativity shines through when she's brainstorming with you. She provides encouragement and strategies to get you and your business to the next level.”

-Diana Garcia, nurturingmindscounseling.com

“As a psychotherapist making the move from agency work to a private-pay solo practice, I came to Jane with a lot of fear-based mindsets. She helped me plug back into my joy and purpose so I could give myself permission to build the practice that’s right for me. With Jane’s support, I raised my fee, improved my screening & consultation process, am seeing a panel full of my ideal clients, and have finally learned to celebrate each success!”

-Dr. Dawn Lawhon, drdawnlawhon.com

”Before I started working with Jane, I felt like a baby bird stuck in a nest. I was in a rut and had little compassion for myself or my business. Jane's knowledge, warmth, and practical tools helped me move forward in my business. Jane helped me see potential in myself I didn't think I had. She created a supportive community of like-minded, sensitive entrepreneurs and I felt welcomed from the moment I joined. Working with Jane was exactly what I needed, and now I feel ready to fly!”

-Liz Gray, Organize-and-thrive.com

“I felt like I was all over the place, and wasn't sure what I wanted my business to look like. Now I’m making more money and taking better care of myself. Jane is thoughtful, knowledgeable, and genuinely cares about her clients. I've felt so supported this entire time, and I’m grateful someone referred me to her.”

-Natalie Higgins, higginswellness.com

“I needed a way to create a sustainable business that honored the life I wanted. Jane is great at challenging you in a kind way; she helped me get super clear on the schedule that would support me financially, emotionally and in ways I hadn't even thought about. It's amazing; I never would have done that without this coaching."

-Jamie Earnhardt, jamieearnhardt.com

"Jane is a wonderful coach to work with. She starts with your money story and then utilizes this to design the practical steps you need to take to grow your business. She is sharp, super insightful, and profoundly warm in her approach. She helped me to increase my confidence and bottom line. I recommend her highly and without reservation." 

-Nathilee Caldiera, Ph.D., talkingforwellness.com

“I am benefitting HUGELY from Jane's coaching skills as I shift to focus to incorporate more of an experiential focus in my work. If you are a solopreneur, Jane has varying levels of support that are blowing my mind! I am only three months in and I can feel my mindset shifting to incorporate larger dreams and 'Bigger Mountains’!

-Sommerville Johnston, aspenrootscollective.com

"Jane offers a way forward to clarity, intention, and aligned action. Whether you are just planting the seeds of your business, have yet to break ground, or find your efforts withering on the vine, Jane offers the nourishment and nurturing needed to cultivate a blossoming business and life.”

-Gillian Hailey, bloomembodiedwellbeing.com

“Going to Jane was like having a therapist for my business. Whether you’re just starting out or you are a seasoned business owner, everyone needs support. Compassionate, inspiring, reflecting loving support. And Jane offers just that—and so much more!”

-Chama Woydak, ashevillehomegrownfamilies.com

Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this site are actually received via text, audio or video submission, and shared with permission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have utilized the services of Jane Carter Coaching, LLC in some way. However, they are individual results and results do vary. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use the services of Jane Carter Coaching, LLC. Some of the testimonials displayed have been shortened, and/or words have been put in bold for emphasis. In other words, not the whole message received by the testimonial writer is displayed, when it seemed lengthy or not the whole testimonial seemed relevant for the general public.