Find The Fun. (Or, How To Give Setbacks The Finger).

I know I've talked previously about the power of tiny steps, but I'm still always delighted to find a new story that drives the point home.

Chase is a 20-something guy who suddenly found himself paralyzed after tripping and falling in his bathroom. Doctors told him he may never walk again.

After weeks of concentration, he found that he was able to move his finger a teeny little bit-- just a flutter. (I bet you think you know where this is going…)

So what did he do?

He decided he wanted to be able to flip the bird at people. 

After weeks of sweat-inducing, strenuous work, he did it. 

From that moment on, he constantly gave the bird to his nurses and physical therapists and family members, and they'd laugh or cheer (or shed a happy tear) in response.

Inspiration indeed.

As his movement progressed, someone in his group of guy friends provided another milestone to reach:

He offered to let Chase kick him in the groin if he could achieve the strength and balance to do it.

Well, that was the inspiration Chase needed. (Obviously humor + slight vulgarity are what move him).

He worked constantly and bravely with his physical therapists (can't you hear the inspirational music in the background!) until eventually… finally…

Find The Fun. (Or, How To Give Setbacks The Finger).

He was able to kick his buddy in the giblets. 

His friend yelled with joy and pain while writhing on the floor. Chase had re-learned to walk in the process of reaching this landmark moment!

(That's true friendship, y'all).

And that's sometimes how motivation works. 

Yes, find the tiniest possible step to move forward, but also:

Find the fun. Whether that's: 

  • a sense of deep purpose,

  • a jolt of playfulness and humor, or

  • whatever weird (or offensive) angle gets you moving.

What's a next step you're working on in your business? How can you shrink it into a baby step, and infuse a little fun into the process? 

Flip me the bird er, send me an email when it works.

p.s. I have 3 coaching spots opening up in August! Want to know how business coaching may take your business to (metaphorically) kicking friends in the cajones? Schedule a Clarity Call today.


A Fun Trick For Creating A Tagline With Impact: