It's Normal To Feel This. (How I Reached My Fastest Running Time Ever):
I remember the first time I plunked down thousands of dollars for business coaching:
I was at the gym, slowly jogging on the treadmill and obsessing over the decision I was facing about joining an expensive Coaching Mastermind.
I had 30 minutes left to decide. I was… scared.
I'd been following this particular coach for a couple of years, reading her email-newsletters, attending webinars, and investing in her online course, to see if I could really trust her to teach me how to create a thriving business.
(And honestly, I think I was trying to squeeze out as much knowledge as I could without having to “Leap” and put real money where my dreams were).
But the leaping-point was approaching. If I didn't join now, the doors would be closed for another year.
The investment was more money than I'd spent on any one thing in my life.
I had all these thoughts about it:
What if I don't make the money back, and I'm paying off this debt for years?
What if my family gets furious at me for putting all these funds into a service they've never even heard of?
What if I'm not even cut out to be a business owner?
What if I could just do this myself, and I'm just lazy for wanting others to help me?
20 minutes left.
I knew she had my card on file from the online-course, so all I had to do was make a quick call to say Yes or No.
I did some math on how quickly the Mastermind would pay for itself if it helped me get even a few more clients.
13 minutes…
I thought about where I could be if said "Yes" to all the extra support and learning and voted on my future…
…versus where I'd be if I spent another year downloading freebies, watching webinars, and patching together my business from bits of advice..
7 minutes…
"WHO do I want to be?"
The thought made me stop the treadmill, dial her number, and between heavy breaths, blurt “I'm IN!"
After I hung up, I cranked up my speed and ran off all the adrenaline that was pumping through my body, blasting Madonna's song “Jump” (I remember it like it was yesterday) into my headphones.
The combo of fear and exhilaration led to my fastest running-time ever. Even better:
Turns out, it was some of the best money I ever spent, because it completely changed how I approached my business-- and life.
Not only has it paid for itself many times over, but it helped me approach everything more confidently.
(It was fun to have dinner with that same coach recently-- she's a friend now-- and tell her that working with her was reason my friends started calling me “Peak Jane”).
So I get it if you're scared to invest money in the Mighty Mastermind. I get it if you're wondering, What if it doesn't work?
The question is, what if it does? What do you stand to gain?
What would your life look like if you felt more ease and flow in your business, while making more money?
What would it feel like to confidently serve your purpose in the world, with clients who rave about you?
I work with so many solopreneurs who are nervous about investing in coaching, worry that they can't afford it, and then tell me later that they're SO glad they took the leap:
They talk about now have more income and time-- which allows them to spend quality time with the people and activities they care about. They're having more fun.
Yes, it can be a big investment. But the payoff is so much bigger.
(That same coach/friend taught me that “Money Likes Clarity.” Making a decision to invest in your business is a powerful act of clarity, one which invites the money in).
Tomorrow is the last day to get your application in for the Mighty Mastermind. I only have a few spots left, and I'm not offering it again until next year.
I know it's going to be amazing (the people who've already joined are fantastic!), and I don't want you to miss out on your spot if this is the thing that will take your business to where you want it to be.
Don't stay on the treadmill. Once the Mighty Mastermind is full, it's full.
I'd love for you to join us. Apply today.