It's That Time Of Year (Just Passing You A Note In Class...)
Is your social media feed full of Back to School photos, too?
Every time I'm scrolling to find stupid memes thought-provoking articles, I see my friends' adorable children in their clean, freshly-pressed outfits, wearing enormous backpacks that make me wonder how the kids don't topple over.
…Especially if those backpacks are full of fresh, new… school supplies.
I always loved new school supplies. The fresh, un-chewed No. 2 pencils, Trapper Keepers with photos of kittens or rainbows on the cover, eraseable pens, puffy stickers and scented markers…
And there was the pièce de résistance, my pegasus-emblazoned notebook from fifth grade:
All those clean notebook pages were a fresh start, just waiting to be filled in with new learning, ideas, inspiration, and doodles. (Do you remember that feeling?)
You knew things would happen between September and the next summer-- but you couldn't know exactly what yet (exciting!), or who you'd be on the other side of it.
This is one reason I'm so excited to offer my own “school year” experience: My 9-month Mighty Mastermind, starting in September.
It's a small class (limited to 10), with a rare combination of individual coaching plus group support, a fun retreat here in the NC mountains, and lots of other tools & trainings to help your business thrive.
Like school, the Mighty Mastermind is about what you'll learn, but it's also about who you'll become in the process. It focuses on:
Creating the exact business you want. You'll learn entrepreneurial concepts and strategies that will translate your big picture goals into real-life results (like more money, time, and freedom).
Consistent progress toward your goals. Mindset-shifts that hep you feel more clear, confident, and aligned in how you run your business and serve your clients.
An exceptionally supportive atmosphere, where encouragement and warmth are the norm. You’ll be challenged to leave your comfort zone, but it’ll happen in an empowering way. (No bullies allowed in this class!).
Check out the Mighty Mastermind details, and don't wait to apply if you're interested: space is limited, and applications are already coming in (I'm reaching out to my list first, so you're the first to have dibs!).
What will be the story of this school year for you?
Put on your new school-outfit, sharpen your pencils, and don't miss the bus (this Mastermind won't happen again until next year!).
I hope you'll join us. Check it out.