Reflect, Reset, and Recharge: Your Guide to a Successful Quarter 2 in 2024

You've almost finished the First Quarter of 2024. (Whew! That went by fast!)

How did Quarter 1 land for you?

Quick: Think of something you're proud of from the last 3 months. Pat yourself on the back, do a happy dance, celebrate (even if it's a small win). Yay, you!

In a few short hours, I'm hopping on a plane to New York City for a business retreat with other solopreneurs & coaches.


(Other than being an excuse to see Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway, eat at Momofuku, and nerd out at the Natural History Museum's new wing while I'm in town…).

Because I believe in regularly hitting the “reset” button, checking in on wins and goals, clearing out anything getting in the way, and getting inspired & energized by others.

What's great about starting Quarter 2 is that we get a mini-"fresh start" on those intentions we set back in January.

So in case you need to clear away the shiny objects & “squirrels,” and re-find your focus & motivation in your business as we head into April:

1) Grab your copy of the Soulful Solopreneur: Annual Workbook for Reflection & Renewal that I gave you earlier this year.

(Need a fresh copy? No problem: Click here to download it).

2) Spend 5-15 minutes reviewing the top insights from last year, and checking in on the what/why/how/who of your intentions for 2024.

3) If you're really crunched for time, simply ask yourself:

-How can this [business or specific goal] be easier?

-How can it be more fun?

-What's one thing I'd like to be able to say at the end of Q2?

–And if you already know that you want some customized, expert 1-1 coaching for you and your business, you can schedule your free Clarity Call with me here.

Let's have a fantastic next-Q!


p.s. April is my birthday-month, and I've got a couple of other fun events planned to celebrate, but I hope you'll take advantage of this complementary motivation-session. Register for the Q2 Rendezvous


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