Sore Feet, Happy Heart.

After last week’s dip into luxury for my personal business retreat, I flipped the script and went into the woods for a few days of backpacking.

Sore Feet, Happy Heart.

As a business coach who is known for constantly doling out metaphors like candy (I’m obsessed with metaphors. Obsessed, I say), you can only imagine the veritable cornucopia of metaphors coming at me as we embarked on a journey, overcame obstacles, crossed bridges, saw spring renewal emerging from winter decay, and trudged to put one foot in front of the other until we reached our goal.

I didn’t use the trip to mine for metaphors, though.

I decided to just enjoy it. To be present to the beauty and the challenge, to the ecstasy of removing boots from aching feet at the end of the day, to sitting around a fire with friends, to the sound of a mountain stream lulling me to sleep.

But there is a business lesson:

This is why I do this.

Running a business is hard— even heartbreaking at times, if things don’t go as planned.

But I can go backpacking on a Sunday thru Tuesday trip, just because… I want to.

And I want that freedom for you.

What do you want the freedom to do?

A Big Purpose, a “Why”, a way that we’re going to serve others— that’s all important, too.

But it’s also okay to want the freedom that comes with solopreneurship.

What’s something you imagined getting to do while working for yourself? Let me know in the comments. (And if you haven’t done it lately, make a plan to do it soon!).


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