The Cookie Monster Factor
“Me just met you, and this is crazy, but you got cookie, so share it maybe?”
I spend a lot of time teaching my coaching clients the importance of getting clear on what they want.
This may not sound like a groundbreaking concept, but for many of them, it very much is.
Here's why:
I tend to work with a lot of therapists, coaches, and other helper-types:
Many of them grew up automatically putting everyone else’s needs ahead of their own (at least now they're making a living using their helper-superpowers!),
…So asking for what they really want is quite a Big Deal.
A therapist-client I’m coaching called it the “Cookie Monster Factor.”
“The Cookie Monster knows exactly what he wants, and doesn’t apologize for wanting it. He just says ‘Me want cookie!’"
Wanting what you want isn't just freeing:
It also makes you a better marketer.
That is, you’ll be more specific about who you want to market your services to, which helps the right people find you (and the wrong fit know to move along).
It also makes you better at serving your clients. When you’re joyful about who you’re helping, you bring more vibrant energy and attention to your clients. (It's like getting paid to be handed a tray of warm cookies right out of the oven).
The Cookie Monster Factor makes you more likely to make your dream vision a reality, too.
A clear, specific vision (cookie) is a motivating force; it keeps you from getting sidetracked by all those brownies and lemon squares (or worse, broccoli and peas) out there.
“Me want cookie!” is the new “Follow your bliss,".
So give yourself permission to say what you want (what you really want, First name / friend –not what you should want) out loud.
Then pursue it like the Cookie Monster eyeing a box of Chips Ahoy –and have as much fun as he does in the process.
What's your favorite cookie, First name / my friend? (I can demolish a box of ginger snaps in the time it takes to watch one Ted Lasso episode).
To your success,
p.s. I'm so excited that my friend Julie Herres' book Profit First for Therapists is on shelves! It's the book I wish I'd had when I started my counseling practice a decade ago. We had a great conversation comparing the money-relationship to couples' counseling on her podcast a while back: Check it out!
And next week Laura Belgray's hilarious book Tough Titties: Living Your Best Life When You're the F-ing Worst comes out. One review: “Tough Titties is one big permission slip to be a dork, a sometimes-unspiritual slacker, a late bloomer and, ultimately, unapologetically you.”
I'm excited to be on her “Titty Committee” (!) sharing the link to all the bonus gifts you'll get for pre-ordering. Check it out!
p.p.s. Want to be on the interest-list for my next 9-month Mighty Mastermind cohort? Sign up here, and you'll be the first to know when applications open up (Mastermind starts in September).
In the meantime, I'm offering a “Summer Special” 3-month coaching package (signup only available in June). Schedule a Clarity Call soon to learn more!