Vote for your business.

Almost every Story I'm posting in my Instagram recently has been about either Early Voting or Asheville's Helene-recovery.

(And not just because of my penchant for doomscrolling).

I've felt a little guilty that I haven't posted much about solopreneurship lately, but then again, both of these topics have everything to do with running a solo business.

Why, you ask? 

In a recent podcast conversation with Allison Puryear about lessons we've learned doing business coaching for almost a decade, we agreed that the main characteristic of those who succeed is a willingness to take action. 

Imperfect, uncomfortable, sometimes-scary, hopeful action.

Action is transformative:

*I've seen my local community turn post-hurricane grief & shock into hands-on, generous, focused helping. (Who knew that sorting pasta, winter coats, and Pampers = hope?) 

*I've seen people channel their election nail-biting into finding an early-voting site, inviting a friend, turning in their ballot, and high fiving (it's such a relief to have it done).

*I've seen several clients decide to stop worrying about creating the “perfect” offer, timing, price, etc., and just put the thing out there. They're so brave, and they're on their way to success.

Action is empowering. 

It shifts your position from “at effect” (i.e. things happen to me), to an orientation of being “at cause” (I make things happen).

Action shifts you into an identity of being a Doer.

"I'm a Helper." “I'm a Voter.” “I'm a Marketer.” (…"I'm a Badass").

So here's your assignment:

*Vote. It's a sacred right bought at the cost lives & sacrifices by others before you (as I've said before, I'm a Certified History Nerd™️) who believed that Your Voice Matters. Voting feels good. Don't wait (and risk weather, lines, or shenanigans happening) on Nov. 5.

*That thing you're avoiding putting out there to potential clients? Set a timer for 15 minutes, and take some imperfect action to make a dent in it. Voilà! You're a doer!

*Donate to a cause you care about (hint, I've got links below), or start your Christmas shopping early at an Asheville business that could really use the income once fall-tourist-season was cancelled.

Ready, set…GO!


Swim toward the shark: Preparing for challenges in business (and life)


Adrift after Helene: Update from an Asheville Solopreneur