Woo-Gone-Wrong (The Power Of Attention)

I recently shared a story about Brooke Shields and how the Power of Visualization went a little sideways for her.

I have another story of “Woo-Gone-Wrong”, i.e. when spiritual/mystical concepts about the power of manifestation actually work— but not as expected.

Have you read “You Are A Badass” by Jen Sincero?

It’s a powerful, energizing, hilarious book about the power of focusing your words and thoughts on what you want. It’s a game-changer, definitely worth a read.

Jen recently recounted that, with all the success she’s achieved through books & products focused on the concept of being “Badass,” her only complaint in life was some leg pain that’s set in recently.

Part of it is from a bad hip; but as she investigated deeper into the source of the problem, she found out that it started from having weak glute muscles. That is,

“I literally have a bad ass.”

Did her focus on badassery manifest physical bad-assery? We’ll never know.

But there’s a saying that “What you focus on, grows.” That is, our attention is POWERFUL.

Brain science proves it— beyond any mystical/ “Woo” implications.

What are you focusing your attention on? Your fears, or the outcomes you want?

I suggest you focus on the latter today.

You badass, you.


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