Starting With The End In Mind...

Quick, take out a piece of paper and a pen/pencil. Take a deep breath.

Author/coach Donald Miller recently put out a course for people wanting to create a deeper, meaningful life.

The first task? "Start with the end in mind," and write your own future-obituary.

Whew, that's intense.

Here's a thought, though-- What if you took 10 minutes to write an obituary for your business?

(No, not a pessimistic one that assumes it'll fail).

An ideal obituary. An obituary for a business that led a Wonderful Life.

One that details the impact your business had on:

  • your clients & customers,

  • the culture

  • you and your life, family, etc.,

One that emphasizes the key messages and ideas it promoted, and any obstacles it had to overcome in the process.

So I dare you: Take 10 minutes to write an obituary for your Business.

Then, go create that Business. Make it one people will be sad to see go.

Make it with purpose, for it's a Wonderful Life.


Key Questions To Reflect On 2021 (Don't Set Your Business Goals Until You've Answered These, Solopreneur!)


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