Key Questions To Reflect On 2021 (Don't Set Your Business Goals Until You've Answered These, Solopreneur!)

Earlier this year, I read about a guy who broke up with his girlfriend over dinner at an elegant restaurant.

Her gasp, followed by bursting into tears, led the people at the tables around them to assume he had just proposed to her. The whole restaurant started applauding and cheering.


Here’s the thing: we don't always know what's actually going on. (And clearly being more intentional and thinking things through first is a good idea!).

This is the time when a lot of people start setting bold new goals for the new year, which I totally support.

—But sometimes what's actually (or simultaneously) happening is that we're subtly, indirectly pooh-poohing our accomplishments of the previous year. --Especially if we tend to struggle with the condition of “Not-enough-itis”.

So before you create your big, audacious, hairy goals for 2022:

Be sure to take stock and celebrate. You'll bring more clarity and energy to your new goals if you do.

I've created a list of questions to help you reflect on your 2021.

Whether you take yourself out for coffee and write out the answers in your business-journal, or just look over this list and spend a minute reflecting on each one, I hope you'll give yourself this gift.

The Questions:

  • What were some courageous risks that you took this year (small or large)?

  • What are some gains you made in your business (whether or not you reached your 2021 goals)?

  • What are a few of the lessons, ideas, or “ahas" you learned this year?

  • What books, podcasts, trainings, or programs did you invest time or money in this year? What were some of the best takeaways?

  • What negative habits, mindsets, “stuff”, people… anything did you let go of this year?

  • What were a few challenges you tackled? What did you learn in the process? How might these challenges end up being a gift to your business in the long run?

  • Who are the people who had a positive impact on your business this year?

  • What did you enjoy the most in your business this year? What was FUN?

  • What did you learn about yourself in 2021?

  • What encouraging words would you give your December-2020-Self?

  • What is a way that you can celebrate yourself for what you did in your business in 2021? (Even if all you did was survive it. 2021 was tougher than 2020 for a lot of people!).

I have one last question, but it's for moi:

What was your favorite story, insight, or idea from my business coaching blog this year? Share in the comments. (If you're new to the blog, you can disregard the question, and/or review this year’s posts at:

Thanks for letting me be part of your business journey. I'm proud of you for all you did in 2021.


Key Questions To Reflect On 2021 (Don't Set Your Business Goals Until You've Answered These, Solopreneur!)

Questions To Prepare For 2022 In Your Solo Business