Questions To Prepare For 2022 In Your Solo Business

In my last post, I gave you a list of questions to help you review your progress in the last year.

How did it go?

I recently did this exercise with my coaching clients at our Mighty Momentum retreat. Insights abounded.

In a year that was in some ways harder than the previous one (I used the analogy of 2020 being a tsunami, and this past year being the backwash--unexpectedly challenging), it was exciting to see solopreneurs realizing how much they had actually accomplished.

In the meantime, they became more aware of their strengths, and more clear about where they wanted to focus in the coming year.

Celebrating your wins isn't just about burnout-prevention. It nourishes the soil from which your energy and insight will grow. It gives you clarity as you plan next steps.

So now let's look at some questions to help you consider the coming year. Whether you spend time journaling about them, talk them out with a friend/colleague, or just look over them and let them stimulate your thinking, I hope you find them helpful. (p.s. have FUN with this process):

  • How do you want to FEEL in your business this year?

  • What are some of the habits or practices that you're going to need to put in place consistently to achieve your vision for your business this year?

  • What are some of the mindsets or old ways of thinking that you need to release? What do you want to replace them with?

  • What are 1-3 skills that you want to learn or improve this year in your business?

  • What is one word, phrase, or "theme" that you'd like to embrace for the coming year?

  • What is your income goal for 2022?

  • What kind of support can you put in place for your business/life? Who can you add to your "team" (bookkeeper, housekeeper, business coach)?

  • What are some risks you know you'd like to take in your business, and can you choose at least one to commit to taking this year?

  • How can your business be more FUN this year?

  • What do you want to be able to say about *who you were* in your business this year, when you look back on 2022 a year from now?

  • What encouraging words can you give yourself as you start the new year?

Tell me about any insights you get in the comments. Iā€™d love to hear more.

Questions To Prepare For 2022 In Your Solo Business

Making Your Message Stick (One Word Can Mean A Lot...)


Key Questions To Reflect On 2021 (Don't Set Your Business Goals Until You've Answered These, Solopreneur!)