A Leg Up Through Visualization

A story about The Power of Visualization:

Some of you may remember that before Andre Agassi married fellow tennis-legend Steffi Graf, he was married to movie star & model Brooke Shields.

As she prepared for her wedding to Agassi (and the inevitable paparazzi swarm that would accompany it), the legendary beauty was feeling insecure about how her legs looked.

(Insert eye roll and exasperated sigh that actress-models still hate their bodies. Ugggghhhhh).

Trusting the Power of Visualization for making things happen, Brooke posted a picture of a woman with “perfect legs” on the refrigerator for inspiration.

And guess what?

She looked gorgeous for her wedding (Visualization? Sure. It could also be that she’s Brooke. Freaking. Shields.).

But the marriage fell apart, and Agassi remarried two years later.

The woman with “perfect legs” in the original inspiration-photo?

Steffi Graf.

Top takeaways:

*Nothing good comes from body-shame. Just stop it and love yourself as you are.

*Visualization is powerful.

Now: I’m not going to quote “The Secret” or go into some “woo” language about mystical manifestation, law of attraction, etc., and I’m not into magical thinking.

I’m more into what I call “grounded-woo.” I believe that visualization gets our brains to start forming little neural pathways of possibility, nudging us toward the thing we’re envisioning. I believe that clarity does make things much more likely to happen— whether that’s a God thing, a brain thing, a universe thing or some sort of mish-mash of them all.

What’s your vision for your business? For your relationships? For your life? Can you get crystal clear on it? What’s one picture or image you can post that embraces this clarity?

(p.s. Let it come from a place of joy and not from fear. Just ask Brooke Shields how that went.)


What's Your Villain? (A Quick Trick For Adding Oomph To Your Copy).

