Don't Be A Donkey. (The Choice Is Yours, Solopreneur):
I'm kind of an ass.
That is, today I'm relating to Buridan's Ass, the allegorical donkey used in philosophy to illustrate paradox in free will.
The donkey is equally hungry and thirsty, and is standing between a bucket of water and a pile of hay.
It keeps looking back and forth at the water and the hay, unable to decide whether to drink first or eat first.
Eventually, it dies of both hunger and thirst.
This morning I realized I had several work tasks waiting for me, and they all seemed equally urgent. I couldn't decide what to do, so naturally I ended up going outside to weed my yard instead. (Like a bad ass. But not the good kind).
Can you relate?
When the pressure's on, it can be easy to get into decision-paralysis. Perfectionism sets in (or just a vague feeling of anxiety).
But sometimes you just have to choose, and take imperfect action in one direction.
I finally chose one project (this post!), and of course, then had about a thousand stories and metaphors swirling in my head to potentially write about.
Before paralysis could set in again, I paused and laughed to myself, “Don't be a donkey." I chose to be meta in my topic, and here we are.
Are you feeling stuck? Sometimes there's a decision that requires a lot of thought and consideration. But other times you just need to release your donkey-ness and just start somewhere.
What's something you can decide and take some action on today?