Dress For... The Business You Want.

“Success” looks different to different people… right down to your accessory choices.

A you think about the business YOU want to create, and how that specific vision may depart from the “typical” image of success in your field, here are a few questions to help you get clearer:

  • List 5-10 “Shoulds” or norms in your particular field. How do you want to differ—or tweak— these assumptions to fit what suits you and your personality (assuming this is within the bounds of ethical practice)?

  • If you could still have a wildly profitable business no matter what, how would you want to dress every day? What hours would you want to work? Where would you be doing your work?

  • If you feel uncomfortable asking these questions: Bring some curiosity to the discomfort. Where do you suspect it’s coming from? Did you have a lot of rigidity or rules in your job before you went into business? Are you comparing yourself to others a lot? Are you just having difficulty imagining being different (and that still being okay)? Do a little journaling about this.

I’d love to hear what this exercise brings up for you— whether it impacts your accessories, or other ways you approach your business! Share in the comments.


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