Forget Resolutions (Do These Instead).

Forget Resolutions (Do These Instead).

Despite the title of this post, I'll confess that I love New Year's Resolutions.

As a therapist, I learned that transition-points are a powerful time for making changes. And here we are with this fresh, shiny, brand new year to plan!

The problem with lists of Resolutions is that they can carry a lot of "should" energy. And "Should" is a fun-killer; it tends to bring out our resistance.

So here are a few fun alternatives to the usual list of New Year's Resolutions. Pick one and give it a try:

*Word of the Year: Think about one word that you'd like to be the "theme" of 2021. Words like Courage, Abundance, Presence, Gratitude, [insert your word] can set a guiding tone for your life in 2021. Once you've chosen a word, think about how embracing it could impact every area of your life (and business). Post it where you can see it, and reflect on it often. (Thanks Christine Kane for this one!)

What's a word that comes to mind for you as a theme for 2021?

*Tiny Habit, 30-day Challenge: Psychological researcher B.J. Fogg has shown that embracing Tiny Habits makes a huge difference in our ability to make changes. Want to floss more? Start with one tooth per night, just to establish the habit. Want to get in shape? Walk around the block to start. The key is consistency. In my Mighty Mastermind, I often put out "30-Day Challenges", where my coachees pick one small activity they'll add to their business (ex. posting on Instagram, writing for 10 minutes), and do it every day for a month. It's amazing how much they get done.

What's a tiny habit that you can give yourself a 30-day challenge on in January?

*Future Gratitude: Think about one change you want to be able to celebrate this time next year. Write on an index card, post-it note, or other paper: "I'm so happy and grateful now that [insert change]." Look at it and say it out loud every day. It might be "I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm making six-figures in my business," or "I'm so happy and grateful now that I've got a schedule I love, with plenty of time for fun," or "I'm so happy and grateful now that I've made time to read 30 books this year." It can be anything you want.

What's one thing you'd be so happy and grateful to celebrate on January 1, 2022?

Don't overdo it by trying to do all three-- remember, it's easy for us to get into "should" energy by taking on too much.

Pick one, think about it, and hit reply to tell me what you've chosen for 2021. I'd love to hear about it.

Happy New Year! We made it! Here's to a wonderful 2021.



Last Things First.


Mac N' Cheese For Breakfast, Anyone?