How To Vote For Your Goals.

In the approximately 30,000 reminders you’ve probably gotten to vote in the upcoming election, I’ve noticed a subtle shift— and it’s a brilliant one, from a human-behavior standpoint.

Old voting PSAs just said “Vote!” or “Rock the Vote!”

Current ones say “Make your plan to vote.” or “What’s your Voting Plan?”, followed by prompts to gather others to vote with you.

How does this relate to you and your business?

Research shows that the most effective way to make goals happen is to actually visualize and make a PLAN.

This is called the WOOP process: Wish-Outcome-Obstacle-Plan.

Name what you Wish for, visualize the exact Outcome you want, imagine the Obstacles you’ll have to overcome, and make a Plan for the thoughts/actions you’ll need to use to overcome obstacles.

The other brilliant part of recent voting messages: enrolling others in your process.

This relates to your business goals:

Support and encouragement from others makes a HUGE difference in making your goals more effective, while making the process of attaining them feel easier and more fun (mountaineers perceive a mountain to be 10-20% less steep if they have others climbing with them!).

This is why I love my Mighty Mastermind, where passionate, caring solopreneurs encourage one another, help each other plan and implement their goals, and cheer each others’ wins.

What’s one goal for your business you can WOOP? How are you going to get support?

Let me know in the comments.

Once you've clarified a goal, you need to identify the *internal* obstacles that may hold you back, then make a plan-- as simple as one action or thought-- to overcome those obstacles when they arise (research:


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