Don't Worry, Do.

Is anyone else obsessed with Post-it notes?

In my therapy practice, my clients often asked “Where’s my Post-it?” at the end of sessions, because they got so used to me writing down reminders or words that I wanted them to have (the most common being the word “OOPS!”, a reminder to be kinder to themselves).

As a business coach, my clients have been laughing about my “virtual Post-it notes”. During coaching calls or group-masterminding sessions, I have a tendency to blurt “Ooh! That’s a great insight—put it on a Post-It!”.

And of course, I make them for myself. I have a wall-o’-Post-its with inspiring reminders to help me stay focused and motivated. The wall started with this one:

“Don’t worry, DO.”

I wrote it when I was starting my coaching practice. The startup costs were adding up, and I was feeling the weight of the risk I was taking.

Knowing my own tendency to start over-thinking when I’m worried, I started telling myself over and over, “Don’t worry, DO.” Translate that anxious energy into taking action. Or as Naval Ravikant said recently:

“Imagine how effective you would be if you weren’t anxious all the time.”

Let that sink in.

How much time (and energy!) do we spend worrying about what will happen, instead of channeling that energy into making the positive outcome more likely?

How would this apply to your business?

How would this apply in politics? (How much time do we spend obsessing or arguing on social media instead of channeling our angst toward letter-writing, texting, or canvassing to help get out the vote? Have you voted yet, and if so, don’t you love that little bit of relief/release that comes with taking action?).

What’s something you’re feeling anxious about, and what’s a small action step you can take to solve it?

p.s. that small action can even be writing it on a Post-it note :)


How To Vote For Your Goals.


Plan Anyway.