Plan Anyway.

October starts the last Quarter of the year, which means it’s time to start planning for 2021 in your business.

“But everything’s too crazy right now, Jane! How can I plan when I don’t even know what’s going to happen in the world?”

Yes, 2020 has certainly taught us about unpredictability.

Plan anyway.

For one thing, planning helps you keep that “active paddle” sense of control, even when the larger waters are dipping and rolling around you.

For another, it gives you a secure base from which to improvise. (A good jazz musician may riff, exposit and doo-bee-doo-bee-doo… but they’ll always return to the same basic tune).

Let’s keep it simple, though. Here are a few questions to get you started:

*What’s one thing you’d like to improve in your business next year?

*What’s one thing you want to let go of in your business next year?

*Who do you want to be in your business next year? How do you want to show up?

*(Now we’re getting a little “woo”): What does your business want to become next year? What does it tell you when you get quiet and ask it the question?

*What are some actions you can immediately play or put on your schedule/calendar to implement the above?

I trust that you can calculate financial goals, key performance indicators, and other business data. But for now, let’s start with the heart of the matter.

I’d love to hear your answers to the questions above. Feel free to hit “reply” and share your insights with me.

I’m praying for a boring 2021 in world events, but a fascinating, exciting 2021 in your business.

Start planning now.


Don't Worry, Do.


Too Much Of A Good Thing?