Let's Cut To The Chase. (On Taking Action In Your Business:)

Do you know the origin of the phrase “Cut to the Chase”?

(Yep, this random-trivia-nerd is about to tell you):

Back in the days of silent film, the story had to be more action-driven than dialogue-driven. There was often a chase scene towards the end. So “cutting to the chase” meant getting to the main action.

Let's Cut To The Chase. (On Taking Action In Your Business:)

(The first reference to this phrase was from a 1929 script direction: “Jannings escapes… cut to the chase.” Eventually it evolved into its current meaning of “get to the point").

I'm keeping this post short (you might even say I'm going to, ahem, cut to the chase) and ask,

What's one simple way you can you be action-driven today?

Do you need to hit “publish” on something that's been stalled due to perfectionism, or call that contact you're nervous about calling?

Have you made notes or to-do list items from something you've learned recently, but haven't yet implemented?

It doesn't have to be huge. Just take action on something today. Implementation is everything. Motion begets motion.

(And feel free to tell me what happens in the comments. I'll be sitting with my movie-popcorn in hand).


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