Let's Go Batch-It Crazy.

I recently got to catch up with an old friend who I hadn't seen since well before the pandemic (aren't those little reunions sweet? I plan to never take them for granted again).

He's one of those people who manages to accomplish loads of work, while still taking days/weeks of time off to play, all while being a great parent, to boot. I'm a tiny bit totally envious.

How does he do it?
Well, one secret to his success is having an incredible team. He's great at hiring out any tasks that are too time-sucking or tedious. (Note: outsourcing is SUCH a powerful tool).

The other factor?

He batches everything.

No really.


He's re-entered the world of dating this year, and shared that he went on seven dates the other day.

Not the other week.

The other DAY. Seven dates.

A breakfast date, a coffee date, a lunch date, a hiking date, a drinks date, a dinner date, and a late-drinks date (he admitted being a little drunk by that last date).

[Surgeon General's warning: This activity is for extroverts only. Introverts may experience symptoms including lethargy, dry mouth, and needing to burrow in a blanket and binge-watch TV for several days afterwards].

But it worked.

Let's Go Batch-It Crazy.

Dates 3, 5 and 6? Nope. Now he'll save the time he'd otherwise have spent texting them on the dating app. Dates 1 and 7? Maybe (too early/late in the day to really know). They'll move on to the next round. Dates 2 and 4? Definitely will have follow up dates.

(Maybe I should refer to him as the “Batch-elor”? Groan… sorry).

I've talked about reducing distractions, but it's not just about shutting off technology. Batching keeps you focused on one type of task, which gets you into a flow state and improves momentum.

Blogs get pre-written. Lists of networking calls get crossed off. Posts get pre-loaded. Reading gets done. Cutting out all that start/stop motion by batching saves you a lot of lost energy.

What's something you can batch?

Block out the time. Cut off distractions. Put on music that energizes you, if it helps. And go “batch-it-crazy.”

Let me know how it goes!


What I Taught (And Something I Learned). Lessons From An 80s Movie:


You Need To Be Useless.