The Best Hot Cocoa Of My Life. (How To Be Remarkable).

Have you ever had a cup of hot chocolate so good that it brought a tear to your eye?

I have.

My first sip of French Broad Chocolate Lounge’s Maple Sea-Salt cocoa is seared into my brain. I remember which chair I was sitting in. It was so delicious I was rendered speechless.

I didn’t remain speechless, though— in the sense that I can’t stop talking about it. Any visitors to Asheville are going to hear my spiel about why they cannot miss this sensory treat (or my next-favorite flavor, Lavender Hot Cocoa. Yum.).

Seth Godin notes that creating a “remarkable” product or service means, quite literally, making it something people will remark on.

How can you give your service that something extra or different that people will want to talk about? This involves high quality, yes, but it often involves a thoughtful extra step or service.

Not only will your clients feel cared about, but they’ll talk about you— and that’s the best marketing you can get.

Take out a piece of paper and brainstorm the following for 10 minutes:

What is some extra care or thoughtful touch that you can put into your service? How can you help your clients feel seen and treated well? Or is there a step that most people in your field “half-ass” that you could do with incredible quality?

Give them something to talk about.

Here’s my favorite recent example of Remarkable service (it’ll give you a smile, I promise!):

Share your ideas in the comments.





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