You’re so interesting…

I haven't bragged yet on what an amazing, restorative, “aha”-filled mountain retreat my Mighty Mastermind had recently.

(Or shared my favorite aspect of it with you— but more on that below).  

In addition to strategizing, ditching limiting beliefs, giving each other creative insights, and taking brave steps in their businesses: 

Several said that just stepping away from their busy lives for a while was a gift, providing space & oxygen for them to get perspective on things.

They laughed together by the fire, took walks to enjoy mountain views, tasted Asheville's best cocoa, and best of all, told stories

Here's why that matters:

Without fail, when I'm encouraging solopreneurs to differentiate themselves and talk about their uniqueness, I'll frequently hear:

“But there's nothing interesting about me,” or 

“My life is pretty normal; I'm boring!”

But one of my favorite things about spending in-person time with my Masterminders?

While we're just hanging out together, I'll overhear these same clients casually mention things like:

“…that time I was on a Polynesian-dance team…,”

“…when I used to hang out with the Foo Fighters, and argued with Dave Grohl…,”

“…back when I was an Engineer before I was a Spiritual Director & Life Coach…,”

“…my volunteer-work as an American Sign Language translator…”

“…When I started my career in Theater & Improv before becoming a therapist…”

“…that trip I took climbing mountains for a month in Idaho…”

…and so on. 

(*All examples given were overheard at past Mastermind retreats!)

Now, you don't have to have been in a steel drum band* or staged photos for famous cookbook-authors* to be an interesting person. 

That is: I guarantee you, you are not boring.

You have stories & experiences (or hobbies & interests), whether exciting or low-key, that:

*Have helped shape you and make you who you are.

*Tell others something about you, and

*Set you apart from every other [insert your profession] in your field.

We only think we're boring, because we're so used to being the person who lives inside our lives.

–We're the proverbial fish in the water who don't know what “water” is, because we're so in it.

This is why it's great to step out of the “fishbowl” regularly, and give your life—and business— a fresh look from afar.

This doesn't have to be a retreat.

It can also be having someone (like a business coach or mastermind) who's on the outside and can reflect yourself back to you.

-Oh, and it also helps to have a “storytelling habit” that encourages you to share moments & experiences from your life that you suddenly realize are really great & unique.

So feel free to comment below and let me know a story or fun fact about you.

–And if you want some outside-perspective to help you find your uniqueness and have a thriving business, you can schedule a Clarity Call with me soon to explore the possibilities.

To your success,



A Cozy Business